Bat4Man project

The project that

raises environmental awareness of bats in local communities by joint conservation in cross border regions of Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine



About batsAbout us
How all has been started?

4 countries 4 actions

4 will

Bats in danger

This project was born due to a negative attitude of a large group of local people in the Cross Border area toward bats. This can lead to the degradation of the natural sources, overturning the sustainability of the ecosystem in the targeted territories of Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.

key elements of the ecosystem

Bats are key element of the ecosystem since they are directly responsible to the agricultural pest control (consuming insects). Due to the myths and fairy tales created by people, bats become subjects of prejudices. The extinction even of one bat species will provide enormous ecological losses and a wide scale of ecosystem collapse.


Who are behind the scences?

The Econsult Association

The lead partner of the project

BirdLife Hungary

Hungarian Project partner

Slovak Bat Conservation Society

The Slovakian Project partner

Institute of Ecological and Religious Studies

The Ukranian Project Partner

… and of course: BATS

Whach a short video about the project implementation:

What we’ve done

Our Aims

support cross border actions

support the sustainable use of the environment in cross border regions of Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine

Support joint protection of bats

joint protection of bats in the frame of active conservation actions.

Inform local communities

by supporting public awareness campaign

Good practices

imparting good practices for local communities.


What Led Us


This project focused on the protection of bats in the targeted region, by concrete

conservation actions like:

  • proper assessment of the endangered bat populations,
  • making alternative shelters of bat colonies (bat boxes, warning chambers),

Also focusd on the protection of cultural values like protection of the religious objects in churches (cleaning the churches from bat guano).

Public aware have been implemented like: a mobile exhibition, common workshops of bat box preparation with locals, a documentary movie dedicated to bats.

Good by

Our project has been finalised successfull. If you are interested how it was inplemented, which results we had, please visit this webiste, the blog posts and galery or download our guide for free. 


Conservation for Bats in Attics - Practical GUIDe

You can download for free our Guide about the best practices gathered during the conservation activities of bats, like how to build a platform on churches, preparations for cleanings, technical solutions for prevention of guano spillage, adjustment of flight entrances, importance of info panels good examples from other countries.

 Want something to read?

please do not harm them

Bat species in your souround

great mouse-eared bat

Foto @ Boldogh Sándor

lesser horseshoe bat

Foto @ Boldogh Sándor

Grey long-eared Bat

Foto @ Boldogh Sándor

Geoffroy's bat

Foto @ Denisa Lobbova


Our achieved results

Where you can hear about the project?

The results are disseminated by printing materials (guideline and workbook for children), by webpage and social media (FB) and by warning panels.


One of the final result we are poude about

Our target groups – priest, eparchies, church administrators, NGOs, local people – were aware about the importance of bats and their conservation. People and Bats got closer thank to the international team of Bat4Man project.


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Co-funded by the European Union

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